Q1: National Shipping Cost?
  • At ninecolours.com, we take great care in delivering your products to you, and we partner only with reputed national courier services.
  • Free Shipping in India.
  • Delivery time is subject to factors beyond our control including unexpected travel delays from our courier partners and transporters due to weather conditions and strikes.
  • We will keep you informed on the status of your order including delays if any. You can visit the courier companies’ website, and enter the AWB number (tracking number) mentioned in the Email/ SMS sent by us. The email will also have details on the courier partner through which we are sending your order.

Q2: What are the shipping charges on Ninecolours.com products?
  • Ninecolours.com offers free shipping within India on all products
Q3: International Shipping Cost?
  • International shipping and handling rates are based on the size of your order. Hence, the bigger your order is, the lower the shipping cost.
  • Watch out for any shipping promotion running on the website.
  • The shipping charges calculator for your order will be shown on the shopping cart page. You can use that to get the exact charges for the products added to your cart.

Q4: How do I check the status of my order?
  • Choose from any of the options to track your order from the time the order is placed, order confirmation, shipping, and the time it is delivered to you.
Here’s how:
  • Track through the Customer Service desk
  • Call our customer service desk at @+91-7400199385 24 hours, from Monday to Saturday, to track your order.
  • Track your order by logging into your account
  • You can log in to your account, go to my orders, and track your orders from there if you are still unable to access the tracking you can visit the courier companies’ website, and enter the AWB number (tracking number) mentioned in the Email/ SMS sent by us. The email will also have details on the courier partner through which we are sending your order.
  • In case of delays in processing or delivery, our Customer Service Team will update you on the estimated time of delivery. Alternatively, you can write to us at [email protected] or call us at +91-7400199385.
Q5: How long does it take for an order to be delivered to me?
  • The products ordered can be expected to be delivered within 7-10 days in major metro cities and can take anywhere between 10-15 days for other locations, from the time the order is confirmed. In case you choose to go for stitching please consider 3-5 additional days in delivery. Delivery time is subject to factors beyond our control including unexpected travel delays from our courier partners and transporters due to weather conditions and strikes. We will keep you informed on the status of your order including delays if any.
Q6: How are orders placed on Ninecolours.com delivered to me?
  • All orders placed on Ninecolours.com are dispatched through reputed courier partners like FedEx, Aramex, First Flight, UPS, DHL, Bluedart, TNT, etc.
Q7: Does Ninecolours.com deliver products outside India?
  • Yes, Ninecolours delivers products to over 220 Countries Worldwide. You can enter your shipping country and check the shipping charges on the cart page or at the checkout page.